Monday 16 December 2013

chosen. sealed. created.

yesterday i pondered His seal upon me.
last night i found this scripture.


He chose us in Him before the creation of the world Ephesians 1:4


Having believed, you were marked in Him with a seal Ephesians 1:13


For we are God's workmanship, created in Jesus Christ Ephesians 2:10

and Ephesians 2:10 continues do good works
which God prepared in advance for us to do

which brings to mind
that night, that i cried before the Lord
for my son
and the inkling in my spirit
that God had prepared
this for me to do -
though, i didn't word it that way

see, i was created by Him
chosen by Him
sealed by Him
for Him

and i have heard that said so many times before -
created by Him for Him
but i didn't really relate that to me personally
until yesterday
when i spent the sabbath with Him.

Sunday 15 December 2013


oh this beautiful day.

i have spent it in the presence of God.

not because i went to the assembly.
but because this day
i sat down and talked to Him
and listened to worship songs
and wrote about Him
and thanked Him
and He opened my heart
to so much
that i didn't even know
i had been closed to.

and His Spirit is upon me.

and i can't stop writing.

it is a gift from Him
to be open to receiving His Goodness.

did you know that?

it's not scriptual, i don't think.

but i got this inkling in my spirit
when i saw that my older brother
was happy to put his hand up and
receive the offer of a free holiday at my place.
it's not my place that i am joyous about.
it's just noticing that my older brother
will put his hand up when he recognises a gift being offered.

it's like the invitation to the kings feast.
so many wouldn't come because they had so much to do.

but all they had to do was say
oh, yes please.

and that's all my brother does.

and i think it's a gift from God.
the gift of receiving His gifts.

i don't know.
i could be wrong.
i have been wrong before.


i have seen God gift people
over and over and over again.
He is never exhausted in His giving.
and it's tormenting to see
that they do not notice
the Giver other than the one in front of them.

i have seen God pay people's debts.
i have seen God clothe people.
i have seen God put a roof over the head of a criminal who does not want to acknowledge Him.
i have seen God send people to pray for that same criminal.
i have seen God fill a pantry with food and dishes and pots and pans.
i have seen God place massive billboards in front of crying daughters.
i have seen God heal people.
i have seen God work things out perfectly for those who do not love Him.
i have seen God bring the good gift of a wife.
i have seen God take and block the way of an enemy.
i have seen God avenge those who have harmed one of His.
i have seen God wrap the arms of an ex-wife around the new woman and hug her.
i have seen God close the mouths of His people and instead bring them to their knees to pray for their enemies.
i have seen God shut away His people to keep them from vengence that is His and His alone.
i have seen God.

and so have so many others.

on the Sabbath, Jesus healed a man.

(right at this moment a perfume has invaded my home.  it's not my perfume.  it is sweet.  oh my goodness.  it's so beautiful)

did Jesus heal this man because God works every day.
that's the answer a 10yr old gave.
didn't Jesus say to receive the Gospel as a child?

anyway, i'm not here to quibble about the sabbath right now.
i'm here to say that

God loves us.

and last night i prayed that He would give me the desire to be fully joyful in Him.

and today He gave me just that.

and i want to praise my God.
and i am thankful that i am His.

nothing - everything

so here's a thought

if you were unaware that you are sealed by Christ
would you think you are marked?
would that be the greatest deception?
not being a learned theologian
i'm not even sure that being sealed by Christ -
having the seal of Christ upon you
is even scriptual.
in as much as - i can't see it written exactly as i have put it.
and i do understand the responsibility
that i personally have to honouring the One to whom
that seal belongs
but without the picture
the image - of His seal upon me
i didn't comprehend
as i do today
that His blood has placed
a seal, a royal seal, a spiritual mark, if you will
upon me
so that now
i understand that there is a rejection
that i experience that is wholly brought about
because of the seal upon me.
and yes, i do know that i experience rejection
because people just don't like me
but there is a rejection, an ousting - a separation
that i experience and have experienced that has bewildered me.
even abuses, physical, mental and verbal that i have experienced
give me to think of this seal -
to contemplate
that even then
Christ Himself had set me apart.
well at least that is scriptual -

"...because God has chosen you from the beginning for salvation..." (II THESSALONIANS 2:13)

and i'm not saying only me
but in speaking of me, as i am
i see that there is a possibility, if not probability
that much has come against me
not because He has forsaken me
but because He has sealed me, for Him.
and though these things drew me towards Him
they easily could have drawn me away
as they do, to many all over the world

a few years ago
i did think about this
ever so mildly, i admit
i got this little inkling in my spirit
that there was a possibility that
much of what i experience in my life
is actually a calling
and that i should warn any prospective spouses
that if they should have any ideas of being with me
that they had better understand that i suspect that i belong to God
and if they had no intentions of submitting themselves to Him
they definitely wouldn't be able to handle being with me.
and funnily enough, that has proven to be true.
in a way.
because of course, before i was baptised
i lived as though i might not belong to God
but even in that time
God in His Sovereignty
was demolishing everything i had placed between me and Him.

i sort of knew.

but to surrender
was hard
until i realised
that all the good in my life
had been brought about by Him
not one good thing came into my life
without coming through Him.
and if good came into my life through Him
then the nothing good that came into my life
also had to come through Him.
and there was this one time that i was crying and beside myself with worry
over the fatherhood of my son, especially
and i had been crying out to God to help me
and i got this inkling in my spirit
that i was in this position because
one, i could do it
two, He chose me to do it
and three, i could only do it
with Him.
and i walked to the end of the hall where i had thrown my bible
and written on the page were these words

'He is a Father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, God in His Holy dwelling' Psalm 68:5

my son fatherless, me a widow

and that brings to mind something else
that i have had an inkling in my spirit about
that many things i encounter in my life
hard things, uncomfortable things, ugly things,
hard people, uncomfortable people, ugly people
are not there by accident
they are there through the Sovereignty of God
because the only way i could endure is
through Him
all these things draw me to draw on Him.
they push me into Him

i am reminded of my friend who i loved heaps.
she had a life much like mine
and i loved her so much.
but i failed her.
i pulled away from her to save myself
without ever realising,
until today
that i was trying to love her through her hard time
in my own strength
and i couldn't do it
i was only able to love her in the beginning
because He loved me first.
and God forgive me
i didn't see it.
our wisdom is shallow.
our love is empty.
His is vast.

not so long ago
i had the opportunity to love
as He does
my very own niece
who was experiencing
so much rejection and hatred being bombarded at her
through her foolish actions, maybe
through her own rebellion, maybe
through her own pride, maybe
God placed in me
such an awesome love for her
a love that continues to this day
not because she deserves it
not because she asked for it
not because she changed her life
but through Him
He will love and love and love and love and love
until that final day
and through it her rejection from others became mine
and that is what will happen when we love the one the world rejects
we also will be rejected.

and what does all this have to do with being sealed by Christ?

nothing? maybe.

but i suspect
it has everything to do
with being His.


Sealed by Jesus

I have been sealed.
I walk about with His seal upon me.
The day I surrendered to Him, to Jesus Christ
He placed His seal upon me.
Before I was baptised I had no seal.
I had desires for Him, but no seal.
I could go and come, come and go
Away from Him, but always back to Him.
And then I was baptised.
Died into the water.
Raised into Him.
And He sealed the deal.
He placed His seal upon me.
A seal -
A seal of His authority upon me.
I am sealed as His.
I cannot lay claim to anything of me.
I cannot lay claim to anything of mine.
It is all His.
I am His.
I do not need to wear a cross to show that I am His.
If the eye could see, it would say -
Ah, I see you belong to Him.
Oh Christian, you are sealed.  Not marked.

I am His.
And everything I am is His.
The moment I was baptised.

Oh how I must earnestly pray for others.
Logos, Labels, Marks and Tattoos.
Oh people.  He Seals you.
All these other things you do yourself.
And they mean nothing.
Repent.  Turn around.
And be sealed by Him.