Monday 14 November 2011

..."Aren't two sparrows sold for a penny? Not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father's permission.

this is my testimony...

the other morning
a sparrow...
misjudged the distance between the top of the kitchen ranch slider and the door opening...
by the minutest detail...
as it flapped it's wings to stay airborne and position itself perfectly to dip its head and grab the spider...
he unknowingly dipped ever so so slightly lower than was needed...
(so slightly, that he wasn't even aware of the miscalculation...)
until he found himself inside the house...

frantically realising he was somewhere he hadn't calculated on being, but fully aware -
it was wrong, wrong, wrong...
(my home has a window in just about every wall... and through these windows you see... sky, mountains, trees, water... the great outdoors)
as i raced against time... (time being - one frantic sparrow) to open every window and ranch slider so the little fellow could 'escape'
it became obvious that i was on the losing end of the battle...
because for every pane of glass he flew at... as i would be attempting to get it opened for his escape...
he would spy me at the last minute... and divert immediately in the other direction
and so on it went... 
him bashing and crashing into every pane of (closed) window...
and me peacefully, calmly trying to open it so he could be free...

but for this little fellow
this tiny little sparrow...       

i knew...

to be free...
he would have to settle...
be still...
and calm himself...

it wasn't going to happen.

he was scared...
in panic...
and desparate...
and all he knew to do
was what he knew/felt impelled to do...
which was to continue flying at... what appeared to be...

to stop him from harming himself further...
i knew i had to sit down... and be still
i was scaring him the most...
i knew i just had to be silent, be still and wait for him to wear himself out
there was no other way of helping him...

so i did
i sat down on the floor - silent

maybe it was my silence
maybe it was the stillness
maybe he had just had enough
but immediately
he stopped his frantic flying at the windows...
landed on the floor, walked beside my cabinet...
and just sat.

after a few moments...
i quietly got up...
walked over...
and picked him up - 
went outside onto my deck -
and sat him on the banister...
(out of reach of my cat - and neighbouring felines)

and he sat there
bewildered and (i thought) still afraid that he was still in 'captivity'

but he wasn't -
he was free -
i knew it -
i had set him free -

for half an hour he sat there -
still, silent... hardly moving -
just breathing...

he just opened his wings

and flew.

Behold the birds of the sky, that they neither sow nor reap, neither do they gather into barns, and your Father who is in Heaven sustains them; behold, are you not more valuable than they?

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