Thursday 14 June 2012

...if i can testify of anything
                                                  i can testify of this....
being a christian doesn't ensure a problem free life...
but i can be sure He is right beside me....

                                                  when i break.

Saturday 9 June 2012

uglyas: my testimony...

uglyas: my testimony....

she was empty, lost and lonel...
: my testimony.... she was empty, lost and lonely she had long been thrown away she had lost the will to struggle and fight another da...

Saturday 2 June 2012

amazing truth

amazing truth -

James 1:27
'What God the Father considers to be pure and genuine religion is this:

to take care of orphans and widows in their suffering


to keep oneself from being corrupted by the world".

footnote: I published this post 2\6\2012 at 9:46am.  The Lord confirmed this for me that
night as I sat enjoying the experience of Watoto at Bethlehem Baptist Church - when this exact scripture appeared on screen as the children gave testimony of Jesus Love for them.  I would have missed this if it hadn't been for my son inviting me to go with him and his wife.  I had decided that I did not have enough petrol to go this night as well as attend the Sunday service but when Kyle rang and invited me to go with him, I knew it was God's call.  
His Word is Life and His Word is Power.
His Word will not return to Him void.

'So also will be the word that I speak -
it will not fail to do what I plan for it;
it will do everything I send it to do'
(Isaiah 55:11)

I believe when I declare His name - He declares mine
and He will be glorified.

Friday 1 June 2012

I will testify of Him -

He is truelly amazing
I will testify and boast of Him

amazingly -

the thing that the Lord has been revealing lately is the troubles and heartache, the deception and the corruption that is happening to His people through the internet social networks that we are unwittingly placing our time, faith and hope in -

when i went searching for an image to bring a visual impact to James 1:12 - i was amazed when i came across this image.  it says it all.  the little mouse on the corner of the Word - that's it - exactly 

we are unwittingly being led away from our true relationships with people and those we love - we are accepting these social networks as being as close to, if not better, than our true life experiences - we are failing to 'hang-up' - and we are failing to see the lies within this framework - we are failing to settle down, be calm and hear His voice -

....a rant from a crazy woman?  maybe.  maybe not.  but just do this one thing.  shut down your social network attendance for an hour.  a day.  one week.  a month.  a year.

...dare yourself to go be with people you really need to spend time with.  dare yourself to let others come to you unkempt and unholy.  dare yourself to allow others to see you lost-distrusting-unsure-lonely-ugly-frightened-empty- and all the other things you cover up -

lets boast in Him
Our Saviour                            



we boast - of Him

  2 Corinthians 10:17

But as the scripture says, "whoever wants to boast must boast about what the Lord has done".

remember -

 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

'it is true that we live in the world -
but we do not fight from worldly motives.
the weapons we use in our fight are 
not the world's weapons but 
God's powerful weapons,
which we use to destroy strongholds.
We destroy false arguments;
we pull down every proud obstacle
that is raised against the knowledge 
of God.
we take every thought captive and make it
obey Christ.