Tuesday 22 May 2012

song of joy

a song of joy -

sing and shout for joy, people of israel
rejoice with all your heart, jerusalem
the Lord has ended your punishment
he has removed all your enemies

the Lord, the king of israel, is with you
there is no reason now to be afraid

the time is coming when they will say to jerusalem
do not be afraid, city of Zion
do not let your hands hang limp
the Lord your God is with you
His power gives you victory

the Lord will take delight in you
and in His love He will give you new life
He will sing and be joyful over you

the Lord says -
I have ended the threat of doom
and taken away your disgrace
the time is coming
I will punish your oppressors
I will rescue all the lame and bring the exiles home
I will turn their shame to honour
and all the world will praise them

the time is coming
I will bring your scattered people home;
I will make you famous throughout the world
and make you prosperous once again
the Lord has spoken

Zephaniah 3:14 - 20

thankyou Lord, that You have heard my prayers.  thankyou Lord that You have held me in, closed me in and disciplined me with Your almighty Love, Grace and Mercy.  I shall love you all my days.  I shall sing a new song.

I am Complete in You - Amen
(Complete - holds the link to Parachute Band)

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